Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Are you like 1 of Approximately 40 million American adults ages 18 and older, or about 18.1 percent of people in this age group in a given year, have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with depressive disorders or substance abuse.
are you looking for ways to combat this issue that seems to consume your life.
to bid and make life less stressful go here
are you like me going to doctor after doctor to no avail meds they give don't work.
then u have came to the right place i am going to give u natural ways to resolve anxiety issues.
i will also list and explain about certain medications that can help you rid this as well.
first before i get into all that i am going to give u a glimpse of how my life is right now.

I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for years now that are awful.
been to doctor after doctor with not to much help, they try give u antidepressants.
well for some of the people who take them seem to help them but not me and most of u.

i get panic attacks for now reason some times cant seem to shake them.
i can be playing video games or just watching a movie or hanging out in public.
i feel as if i cant go anywhere talk to people i feel i have to be secluded from all.
i stay in my room avoid going around people or even going out in the public.
i still have issues with all those but i am working towards fixing my life.
since i was a kid like age 11 i had a head injury  i got hit with a golf club in the head.
since then i have had tons of emotional and physical symptoms  that have gotten worse.
one of those has been my anxiety and panic attacks i still struggle with them and I'm on lyrica.
lyrica is not a med that is always prescribed for anxiety or panic attacks it is mostly for nerve pain.
it is also used for those with fibromyalgia that need relief from pain to enjoy their lives.

for me it has helped some but not enough but it has helped with me not having so many migraines.
so i am happy to take it so my head doesn't feel like its gonna blow up like someone is squashing it.
the lryica has definitely helped for my migraines and has relieved some of my anxiety.
on a daily basis i have to deal with panic attacks or extreme anxiety while im out in the public.
when I'm driving when i can  people drive so crazy don't use turn signals cut you off its nerve racking.
if you have been there then you understand what I'm talking bout how hard it is to stay in control.
when you in those stressful situations it just seems like to much and we just lose it.
for me i can have bad panic attacks for no legit reason just intense fear feel like I'm dieing.

what do i do well i don't have klonopins or other benzodiazepines to stop them on the spot.
so for me since the docs are so reluctant on certain medications i have had to develop techniques.
i have noticed if i try to breathe and focus on my breathing as slower deeper breaths it helps.
how it helps is i don't focus to much on that intense fear and elevated heart rate.
but not all times does that work sometimes i have to walk around some to keep my mind busy.
it helps some as well but it does not fix the issue nor does it tell me why I'm am having them.

so i go on with my life struggling with the panic attacks and the anxiety of being around a lot of people. i do my best to interact with people as much as i can even though its hard. i stay in my home in my room mostly cause its less panic and anxiety there. i have a computer where i can be social with friends online that also tends to help me not freak out.

so i have read tons of sites that are about relieving anxiety or what meds to take and all that.
but for some simply hearing bout things to do or what meds to take you need more information.
i have read about this sites offering a system to help rid you of your anxiety and face your fears.
me myself there guide seems very promising. it doesn't try to make u awkwardly face your fears or say you gotta go to a therapist. i will link you to there site so u can read more about what they offer.
These are a few systems you can look at to aid in having and living a normal life.
Here is the first one, Social Confidence System ,where they explain diff ways to achieve victory over your anxiety.

you can choose to start there program which i must admit can work for most of us out there.
i have been doing all kinds of things to face my fears and to rid myself of anxiety.
there system has helped me to do that i don't get so freaked out now while going to the doctors.
i am lil more relaxed in my own home and room and can somewhat enjoy my days.
they have helped me out alot as well as the stuff i have did to help myself.

need to chat live with someone for help fee free to join chat room and talk.
more on this will be posted soon ty
Posted on by Flashdaflydeath | 1 comment